January 2025
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Română, Rumano, Romania Español, Spanish, Spaniolă
The hub was creat by Cristi (and Loredana ) in the year 2004, so in that era was call Violet Passion, fan after the football team Poli Timisoara. Violet is the color of the team.
In the year 2006 Cristi was unable to host more the hub, there for Zack come to the rescue, for some years has been hosted by him, between 2009 to 2011 the hub was moved to a dedicat server.
In late 2011 the hub was close due to lack of time from the ops and admins.
In May 2020 the hub was reopen, and all the adress are active, the hub was preloaded and hosted by Timisoreanul, currently is open.
Cristi si Loredana
To speak on the main you must be registered, to register enter privately to an operator or send an email with a name and password to:
Aldo - @
FlopP - @
IaNni - @
Laura34215 - @
Timisoreanul - @
Zack - @
Rules for users:
1. Indecent language (swearing, insults, etc.) is not allowed.
2. Do not download programs or games that are installed or contain viruses.
3. Do not type [CAPS] in capital letters in the main chat window.
4. Do not limit the download speed and do not fake share.
5. Do not disconnect users who download or attempt to download something from you.
6. Do not advertise on other hubs.
7. Do not flood or spam the hub.
8. Report to operators the problems and possible violations of the rules by other users.
9. Report to the owners the abuses occurred by the main operators (kicks, bans or undeserved limitations).
10. Use a decent nick.
Rules for operators:
1. To help all users if they ask for it.
2. Not to abuse the function using kick, ban or other form of user limitation without a good reason.
3. Use decent language regardless of the situation.
4. Specify the reason for the kick or the ban.
By entering this HUB you assume full responsibility for your SHARE and your actions! HUB administrators cannot be held responsible for users' share or actions.
IMPORTANT for users ANTI GRAMOFON action to put a Director, in, share a file with the following content !!
CAREFUL! YOU CANNOT ENTER my computer to view or download files if you are part of any government or investigation agency, any structure or group Anti-Piracy, Police,
Parquet, ORDA, BSA, any company producing / distributing films or games, ISP, or you are the employee of such a company or structure.
If you enter my computer to view or download files and you do not agree with the above terms, YOU VIOLATE Art. 27 (Inviolability of the domicile), Art. 28 (Secret of correspondence), Art. 30
(Freedom of expression), Art. 31 (Right to information), Art. 33 (Access to culture) of the Romanian Constitution, INCALCI Art.19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and INCALCI Directive 95/46 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council .
If you INFRINGE my rights, your action is illegal both in Romania and in the European Union, and I will sue you as an employee and the institution you belong to, and I will claim damages
10,000,000 Euros. So if you have nothing to do with money or you want to work for me for the rest of your life, be brave and violate my rights. ”
You can download the ready-made message to be the first thing visible from the share in the Download section.
Next I give you the legal texts that were the basis of this warning, so that you can see what rights you have as citizens of Romania, and how many things that have been written in the press The police cannot do them legally.
Inviolability of the domicile - Art.27 - Romanian Constitution
(1) The domicile and residence are inviolable. No one may enter or remain in a person's home or residence without his or her consent.
(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) may be derogated by law for the following situations:
a) execution of an arrest warrant or a court decision;
b) the removal of a danger regarding the life, physical integrity or property of a person;
c) defense of national security or public order;
d) preventing the spread of an epidemic.
(3) The search shall be ordered by the judge and shall be carried out under the conditions and in the forms provided by law.
(4) Searches during the night are prohibited, except in the case of flagrante delicto.
On the Internet, a virtual space, not a physical one, a person's home can be assimilated to a computer. Or, through another interpretation of the law we can say that as long as the computer is in the personal home, entering the computer also means the violation of the home.
The only legal way for the Police to enter the personal computer and make a "search" among the goods (files) is with a warrant from the Judge, "under the conditions and in the forms provided by law", ie after identifying the person behind the IP, which which is very difficult, if not impossible. And I say this because if it entered your computer it would violate the Constitution and the evidence gathered would be null and void, and a judge cannot give a warrant for a nick name like [RO] [b]
And according to paragraph 4, the share can be made legally without criminal consequences DURING THE NIGHT !!!
The secret of correspondence - Art.28 - Romanian Constitution
The secrecy of letters, telegrams, other postal items, telephone conversations and other legal means of communication (DC ++ is a legal means of communication) is inviolable.
Freedom of expression - Art.30 - Romanian Constitution
(2) Censorship of any kind is prohibited.
The right to information - Art.31 - Romanian Constitution
(1) The right of the person to have access to any information of public interest cannot be restricted.
Access to culture - Art.33 - Romanian Constitution
(2) The freedom of the person to develop his spirituality and to access the values of the national and universal culture cannot be restricted.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data - OJ L 281, 23.11.1995; Bull.
10-1995, point 1.3.51
The European Union’s Directive on the Protection of Personal Data came into force on October 25, 1998.
It restricts the information that may be gathered about individuals in EU member states and forbids the export of personal data from EU member states to any third party nations which lack “an adequate level of protection. Under the Directive, Member States are required to impose minimum standards with respect to the processing of personal data on the Internet.
The Directive requires that
(a) personal data may be processed only with the consent of the individual;
(b) individuals be informed as to the intended purposes of such processing;
(c) information not be processed in a way incompatible with such purposes;
(d) individuals be given access to and ability to correct personal data and right to block
processing of such data; and
(e) individuals have a right to judicial remedies and compensation with respect to violations of their privacy rights.
In addition, certain types of data — relating to a person’s race or ethnicity, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, and health or sex life — are accorded additional protections.
The European Union views data privacy as a fundamental right that is best protected by legislation and federal policing.”